Introduction Of Orthodontic Accessories
In orthodontic treatment, dental braces, dental arch wires, dental bands and dental buccal tubes are common orthodontic materials. But in addition to these materials, other orthodontic accessories are needed to complete the orthodontic treatment. Although they are small, they play an important role. So today we'll take a look at these orthodontic accessories.
1. Dental Ligature wire and dental ligature tie: the main function is to fix the dental arch wire (main arch wire) in the groove of the dental bracket.
2. Dental separator: it is placed between the two teeth, and after a few days there will be a tiny gap between the teeth where the band can be put in.
3. Bite Turbos: Stick it on the lingual side of the upper front teeth. When the anterior teeth are deeply overlaid, it helps to open the bite, isolate the occlusal force of the anterior teeth, and prevent the lower anterior teeth from being bitten off.
4. Dental spring (dental niti open coil spring and dental close coil spring): The function of the dental spring is similar to the dental rubber band, which is used to pull the teeth and close the gap. The dental close coil spring is placed between the two teeth to push the teeth apart to enlarge the gap.
5. The dental elastic chain mainly helps the dental braces exert traction. A chain-like dental elastic band with super elasticity is used to close tiny gaps and make teeth closer together; or to prevent gaps between teeth (prevent the recurrence of gaps).
6. The elastic is used to add force to the teeth, to move the teeth, to adjust the occlusal relationship, and to close the gap. They are also used to apply traction to our teeth during correction, to coordinate the relationship between the upper and lower jaw and the upper and lower dental arches. The application method is more flexible and can be used to adjust the midline (oblique traction), adjust the occlusion (vertical traction, triangle traction, quadrilateral traction, type II traction, type III traction), etc.
7. Dental crimple hook: used to hang rubber bands.
8. The dental expansion screw is to expand the dental arch so that the teeth can have a comfortable position. Place the dental expansion screw in the appropriate position, open the expander through the rotating spiral hole, and transmit the corrective force to the teeth and alveolar bone to expand the width and length of the dental arches of the upper and lower jaw.